Our plan is twofold: to meet their needs today and help them reach their goals tomorrow.
The success of our mission’s work goes along with our vision of being recognized as Monroe County’s foremost educator and provider of child-focused services.
We believe our mission and vision can be achieved by working with our core values of compassion, impact and excellence in mind — as they are at the heart of all we do.
We started as an eight-week summer Head Start pilot program that supported 12 needy preschoolers in 1965. We’re now a year-round operation benefiting more than 300 children, from babies to teens.
The history of Pocono Services for Families and Children (PSFC) is a proud one. And with pride, our story continues to grow.
We’ve Been Moving On Up, Due To Increased Enrollments
From the campus of East Stroudsburg University to St. John’s Church in Stroudsburg with an enrollment of 30 children.
From the basement of East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church increasing the enrollment to 75 children.
To Gilbert in 1992, increasing enrollment to over 100. To successfully raising more than $750,000 and purchase the Flick Building in East Stroudsburg for housing five classrooms to serve more than 100 children.
To Pre-K Counts classrooms opening in the J M Hill Elementary School in 2008, Head Start classes at Resica and Middle Smithfield Elementary Schools in 2010. And a Head Start class at Clear Run Elementary in 2013.
We Never Lose Sight Of Our Goals.
PSFC now serves more than 300 children year-round in classrooms around Monroe County. Statistically, that translates to only 13% of the children in our community who need us most; so our work continues — with the end target being expansion to better serve more at-risk children and their families.

A Fuller Realization Of Our Mission — Within Reach, Today.
The 2016-2017 opening of The Mountain Center fulfilled a promise to bring great change to our community. This educational and community services center, housed in a 100,000 square foot building, is located in the most underserved area of the county.
Preschool classes, infant/toddler care and a school-age program for children from kindergarten through the sixth grade, all strive to make great inroads in childhood education. And with several nonprofit agencies that offer health and human services for parents, teenagers and seniors, the bonds of family and community can only become stronger.
Through the work of PSFC, we have proven that poverty, hunger, and despair can be replaced with hope, empowerment and productivity in our most vulnerable and needy citizens.

Kristi Hammond
Executive Director

Sandy Shay
Program Director

Lavern Lynch
Head Start Director