A safe and happy environment for those too young for school. A big help for working parents. Paving the road to success in school starts before kindergarten —with learning, sharing and fun.

Community family Activities
Wholesome and happy times for families not only strengthen their ties, but make for wonderful memories to look back on and treasure.

Community Youth Activities
Off the streets and on their game; here’s how to keep kids active and involved.

CPR Training
CPR is a vital and easy-to-learn skill that can protect your family and members of your community. Even more, having the ability to properly perform CPR can be a valuable asset to add to your resume.

Educational Improvement Tax Credits (EITC)
Paid tuition for families in need. A tax break for companies. As an approved Pre-Kindergarten Scholarship Organization, PFSC can now provide eligible families direction on tuition assistance.

ESL, GED, and Citizenship Classes
For anyone and everyone who wants to get ahead while pursuing the American Dream.

Bridges Out of Poverty Training
From welfare to work is the goal. The satisfaction of achieving that is the reward.

Grandparents Club
The special needs of seniors and caretakers are always on the agenda; now both can get more out of day-to-day life.

Narcotics Anonymous Peer Support meetings
Advice, guidance, and much-needed support through shared stories and encouragement.