A safe and happy environment for those too young for school. A big help for working parents. Paving the road to success in school starts before kindergarten —with learning, sharing and fun.

Head Start
Head Start programs are helping children get ready to succeed in school and in life through learning experiences tailored to their changing needs and abilities.

Family Engagement
We’re all in this interactive process together as staff and families work towards achieving the goals that families and children set for themselves.

Parenting Education
Parents learn how to best nurture their child’s health, development, and learning; and ultimately succeed at the hardest and most rewarding job in the world.

Financial Literacy Training
How to better save money. How to better spend money. How to create a budget. Finances don’t have to be rocket science when everything is clearly explained.

Parent/Family Meetings and Networking
At PSFC we provide regular opportunities for parents to meet and network. These include monthly, annual, and various special events.

Grandparents Club
The special needs of seniors and caretakers are always on the agenda; now both can get more out of day-to-day life.

Health Literacy Training
All the basics and more are covered, so that maintaining a healthy lifestyle comes more naturally.

Diaper Bank
Providing clean diapers to families in need can help make sure that every baby gets a better start in life.